Success in making Cycling Easier for Customer

Last week a customer sought advice on why when he had started cycling using a road bike it was so much harder than his hybrid bike. It was pretty clear that the difference in the gear ratios meant it was much harder to peddle especially on Yorkshire hills. I swapped the cassette for a larger 11-32 tooth version and the customer reports to quote. " Yes ride was much better with the changes, much more enjoyable. It was the right changes. Thank you."          ...
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News from the workshop

Another case of gear shifting problems in the Yorkshire Bike Company workshop today. Seems as though there is a bit of an epidemic out there, if your bike is having problems in the gear shifting area, get in touch as I should be able to sort it with ease....
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Bamboo Bike Frame Arrives from Ghana

It felt like Christmas this week at the Yorkshire Bike Company as I unwrapped a Bamboo Bike frame, which has been send from Ghana for evaluation. It was incredibly well wrapped with foam and tape and inside was a very shinny new bamboo bike frame. Which looks really well made. People who have seen it think it looks really cool. So the next thing is to build it up with some new parts and go for a ride and show it off in Yorkshire. We are told its performs well on bumpy roads so should be just the job around Harrogate and the Dales. If you are interested in a Bamboo Bike then do get in touch.  Mountain bike, road, city and children's frames are all available and we can build them up with your choice of parts and budget.      ...
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More People Coming to the Yorkshire Bike Company for Bike Maintenance

The last couple of weeks has seen an uplift in customers coming to the Yorkshire Bike Company for the maintenance of their bikes. All sorts of problems from gears that don't change properly, bottom bracket bearings that need replacing or simply checking over children's bikes before the summer cycling season. A top tip for the start of the season is to check to see if your chain is worn. If you don't have a chain checker tool than give me a shout and I will gladly check your chain for wear free of charge. The problem with a worn chain is that after a while it will not only make changing gear difficult it will also  damage other parts and you may end up with a larger bill. So remember check you chain for wear at the start of the season and save you self some money in the long run.         Replacing a worn chain prevents damage to more expensive components.  Enjoy your cycling....
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Further training on e bike maintenance

One of the things we do at the Yorkshire Bike Company is to make sure our mechanic is trained to the appropriate standard to maintain your bike. The good news is that following the cancellation of a Bosch E-bike course earlier in the year due to snow and bad weather in Scotland  I have recently returned Lancashire to complete the Bosch technical training for Bosch eBike systems. It was good to meet Bosch's UK technical lead on eBikes and hear about the great support the company provides and travel home with another qualification.  ...
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With spring just around the corner, are you thinking about getting out on your bike?

With spring just around the corner, are you thinking about getting out on your bike? Harrogate now has an excellent traffic free cycle path to Ripley, which provides a brilliant way to enjoy cycling without the worry of passing traffic.   However, before you venture out you will want to make sure your bike is safe and easy to ride. Bikes develop faults over time that can make cycling less enjoyable. The good news is that these faults are usually easily fixed by a cycle mechanic and fixing them, will make cycling easier and more fun for example: Do the brakes squeal? Do the gears jump? Does the chain come off? Are some parts rusty or dirty? Do you have a puncture? Do the wheels run straight? In addition, a cycle mechanic can usually make a bike easier to ride by resetting and greasing the wheel hubs and crank bearings or adjusting the seat height. If you are worried about getting a puncture, I can replace...
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Coals to Newcastle Tandem to Dutchman

As we all know the Dutch love cycling and generally know a good bike when they see one. So I was delighted to receive  feedback from a Dutchman living in Harrogate.  who I told a tandem to a couple of weeks ago. He's been able to take his fiancee cycling on the Nidderdale Greenway and says "the tandem does a great job and the experience as BIG FUN". If your interested in purchasing a tandem then get in touch via our contact us form. which can be found by clicking  HERE    ...
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E bike Trained

This week our qualified Cytech mechanic has been attending a training course in maintaining electric bike or e-bikes as they are sometimes know. This is a great asset to the Yorkshire Bike Company and enables us to support new and existing customers with the purchase of a new e bike or maintaining their existing e-bike.      ...
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Tractors for Christmas

This week we received further supplies from Kiddimoto including beautiful green ride on tractors. Okay it's not a bike but is great for little ones from 12 months starting to scoot about and is ideal for developing motor skills for riding a bike when older. Get in touch using the enquiry form if you want one for Christmas.    ...
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