Is your child planning on cycling to school?

Is your childing planning on cycling to school? If your child plans to cycle to school bring their bike in to the Grassington cycle shop so we can make sure its in tip top condition. Checking the brakes, wheels for trueness and bearings for ease of riding. We also have a range of children's bikes in stock or can easily get something in for you....
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New Year’s Resolution to Get Fit?

If you are making a New Years resolution this year about getting fit think about an eBike rather than joining the gym.With an eBike you not only get exercise you get to be out in the fresh air too and not in a busy gym. Studies show that regular bikes make it out of the shed fewer than 25 times a year, with 46% being used just once or twice a week.In comparison, 30% of people with electric bikes use them once a day, while a whopping 81% ride them at least once a week. Not only can you use them for exercise you can also ditch the car and use a eBike for everyday transport. CONVINCED? POP IN AND SEE US AT THE YORKSHIRE BIKE COMPANY BIKE SHOP 51A MAIN ST GRASSINGTON. We offer free test rides so you can try before you
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Bamboo Bike Generates Interest

Bamboo Bike at Grassington Bike Shop Just for a bit of fun I popped our bamboo bike out side the Grassington Bike shop. The bamboo bike certainly caused a few people to stop and chat. If you are interested in purchasing a new bamboo bike get intouch as we have an account with a supplier. Bamboo bike provide a really comfortable ride and the frames are manufactured by a social enterprise in Ghana....
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Any Santa Clauses Looking for Kids Bikes for Christmas?

Any Santa Clauses Looking for Kids Bikes for Christmas? One of the tasks for the elves that work at the Yorkshire Bike Company's bike shop in Grassington is to build up these quality bikes for local children to find on Christmas morning. We have these light weight bikes with quality components in 14 16 18 20 and 24 sized bikes in beautiful Yorkshire blue as well as some in pink. Don't miss out get in touch to reserve your bike today. 01423 593188...
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Problems with your Gears on your bike or e-bike

Problems with your Gears on your bike or e-bike One of the problems people often complain about is that they are having problems changing gear on their bike. Comments such as "the chain comes off the gear thing at the back" or "the chain is getting jammed in the spokes". One of the likely reasons for this is a bent derailleur hanger. See picture below. This is the piece of metal the derealeiur or rear mech hangs from. Its made of a softer metal than the bike frame so that if you knock the derailleur or drop the bike on it it will bend the hanger rather than the frame of the bike, which can mean the end of the frame and the bike. The good news in the Grassington Bike shop we have specialist tools to tell if the hanger is bent and although there are literally 100 of different designs we have always been able to obtain a...
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Kayza Step Through E-bike in Grassington

One of the latest additions to the range of high quality e-bikes we have available from the Grassington Bike Shop is the German brand Gayza. You may not have heard of Gayza e-bikes before but I have been really impressed with the quality and looks of the Kayza range. The company is part of the Victoria band of quality bikes and with Bosch motors and computer systems and are simply great e-bikes. Even un wrapping the bike from its carton I could see the attention that had been put in to getting things right. If you are looking for a easy to ride and comfortable e bike this could be the one for you....
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Grassington Bike Shop

After some time looking of shop premises for the Yorkshire Bike Companies first shop I have found what looks like excellent premises in Grassington. So gradually over the next few months I will transferring the operation from Harrogate to 51a Main Street Grassington. The bike shop has an extensive display area and space for a workshop and storage. This will mean I will be able to develop the e bike and cycle sales side of the business as well as continue to offer the high quality maintaince service the business has become know for. New telephone number 01756 664231...
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Daily Cycling Helped Me Lose nearly 18kg

Slowly I had grown to be on the verge of being overweight I had never thought I would need to diet, for years I had been pretty lean but slowly I took on a bit of weight. I had grown heavier very slowly and in fact I had started to feel okay about this as I didn’t look so thin as I had once looked. Gradually my belt needed to be let out a notch and then a year or so later another, but the weight was only increasingly slowly. Then one day I bought some new shirts from Marks and Spencer’s. The neck size was right, the chest size was the same but as they were a tailored fit they were rather tight around my tummy. This was a wakeup call and checking my weight I realised that I was just 200g short of being classed as overweight, in fact I later discovered that due to faulty scales I had just been...
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